CPD Accreditation

Let CPD Hub handle the admin when applying for accreditation


Accreditation without the hassle

Whether it is an article, webinar or upcoming event, let CPD hub process the accreditation on your behalf – we will ensure all the necessary documents are completed and submitted to the relevant Approved Accreditor of the HPCSA.

What we will need in order to apply.

Before we can get started with your application, we will need the following documentation:

Accreditation for Articles

  • The article itself - (NB: please ensure the content is no older than 5 years from date of publication)
  • The Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQs) - (NB: The total number of CPD points awarded are based on the total number of questions available. 10 MCQs = 1 CPD point. 15 MCQs = 2 CPD & 20 MCQs = 3 CPD)

Accreditation for Events:

  • Agenda reflecting start and end times (including tea and lunch breaks)
  • CV's of the presenters (min two)
  • Ethics Abstract and presenters CV

Alternatively, email your documentation to colin@cpdhubsa.co.za to get the process started.